Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Frank Warren (Artist of Text)

Frank Warren does some great work with text. He's started a project called "Post Secret" in which people send anonymous postcards with their "secrets" written.

For examples see:

We've been working with "truisms"

  • truism |ˈtroōˌizəm|
  • noun
  • a statement that is obviously true

What is more true, more real, and more powerful than a person making themselves vulnerable and opening up--sharing their dark secrets.

Also, I believe Colleen did a very similar project.


Anonymous said...

I looked into that a while ago... seemed really interesting. If you youtube post secrets, theres a few slidshows of some very powerful stuff. Alot of it was extremely creative too. Amazing what creativity is hiding among so many seemingly normal people.

Daphne Longo-Okcuoglu said...

cool artist! thankx 4 sharing!