Wednesday, February 4, 2009



Claire Inie Richards said...

toreees got her sexy face on.

MrReederCPFA said...

Go Zach. Your style is ever evolving. I like what you are doing with the light. It is important to get to know your light... and you are paying great attention to this!

Daphne Longo-Okcuoglu said...

i LOVE how u r so "casually" doing these throughout the school day + getting such dynamic results...waht do u mean about "opposing styles"? the way you are modeling the light - or the people in the pics - both? something else?

Zach Larmer said...

woo. =)

opposing styles:

Kristen is more in that bright/fun/slightly HDR-ed style... (more happy)

Toreee is in my newly developed dark and slightly creepy style. (more scary)


Kri Snow said...

I actually think I look creepier lol Atleast Toree looks...alive and not decrepit haha its totally awesome

Zach Larmer said...

yeah, your face is a little greyed out. it's annoying. i need to do a better one.

Anonymous said...

These are really great zach

I like your new editing style.