Friday, March 27, 2009

A Sweater.

So, basically... I shot these with the school Nikon. They came out really nicely. As always, I used the 'M' setting on the camera, in order to have control over aperture and shutterspeed, and make sure I got images in RAW format. Naturally, the Nikon shoots on Raw when on the 'M' setting. However, someone must have switched it. I didn't think to look, and went on shooting, thinking I was getting images in RAW. I wasn't.

So, it was my fault. And it's a bummer. I suppose I'll reshoot tuesday. However...

Here's one image, just so you can see. No editing, really.

1 comment:

Daphne Longo-Okcuoglu said...

Zach this took sooo much time 2 do the silkscreen + it is a nice clean job on it, but I realllly would be a happy teach if u try something TOTALLY different as well w/ this assignment...maybe something more simple in terms of process by working with your own scns of your own writing with some existing photos u have?

most cameras on "M" don't assume it is RAW as well - it is usually a different feature on camera to tweek...

good job making up for lost time in the last 2 weeks!